Virtual Classroom Translation & Localisation

Ensure global engagement.

No matter how comprehensive and engaging your virtual learning content may be, it doesn’t matter if all is lost in translation.

InSync Training has partnered with world-class, woman-owned Comtec Translation Services to ensure that your global learners understand and remain fully engaged with your content. Going beyond word-for-word translation, Comtec incorporates a comprehensive localization approach.

It includes cultural nuance, colloquial terms, and a broad array of techniques for adapting learning materials and content that in turn boost global learning.

Includes over 200 languages, including Italian, French, Japanese, Spanish, German, and more.
Follows rigorous quality procedures for selecting the best linguist for your project
Addresses the unique needs associated with the field or industry the content addresses
Covers digital, print, video, eLearning, and instructor materials
We train in any platform
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